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Why Choose BBKM Plan Management?

Here are just a few examples of how choosing BBKM as your Plan Manager can assist you! 

Fast payment

At BBKM we lodge invoices 5 days per week, with payment made within 2-3 business days.



Monthly Budgets

We send monthly statements on the 5th day of every month via email or post, depending on your preference. 

Locals Supporting Locals

We have Plan Managers located in Swan Hill, Bendigo and Mildura and provide Plan Management to NDIS participants Australia wide.

Choice and Control

Using BBKM as your Plan Managers ensures you get a say about what supports and services you use, and how you get your supports and services.

Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)

We take the stress out of managing your early childhood (aged under 7) NDIS Plan. 

Real Time Budget Tracking App

With BBKM, we provide you access to Careview Advantage, which enables you to view your plan budget and balances at anytime. You also have the option to approve all of your invoices before they are lodged and paid.


"I love having BBKM take care of everything. They are fantastic people and communicate with me when needed or if I have a question they are always there to help. I have never had any problems with this company, and they take the pressure off me which is great." Susan W - Participant.


"The whole team is always so professional, efficient and thorough. The fast processing of invoices and enquiries at all times makes a huge difference for the small self employed businesses like mine." Allison O - Service Provider.

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