Frequently Asked Questions
What is NDIS Plan Management?
Having a Plan Manager is like having your own personal bookkeeper. Your Plan Manager is responsible for receiving and claiming funds from the NDIS via the NDIS portal, along with paying the invoices sent from your service providers on your behalf.
What is the difference between a Plan Manager and a Support Coordinator?
A Plan Manager is responsible for the financial administration of your NDIS plan paying services, managing finances and sending statements.
A Support Coordinator puts your plan into action by finding and connecting you with service providers that best fit your needs.
How does Plan Management actually work?
You access services available in your plan (eg. lawn mowing)
Your service provider sends BBKM your invoices.
Your invoice is then lodged by our team and checked to ensure it aligns with what is included in your plan, and that you have enough funding available. ​
BBKM then claims your NDIS funds via the NDIS portal and pays the invoices sent from your service provider on your behalf.
We send you monthly statements of expenses and a breakdown of your remaining budget totals to help you keep track of your NDIS funding.
What's covered in my Plan?​
NDIS funding is split up into different support budgets:
1. Core Supports
Assistance with daily life
Assistance with social and community participation
2. Capital Supports
Assistive technology
Home modification
3. Capacity Building Supports
Support coordination
Improved living arrangements
Increased social and community participant
Finding and keeping a job
Improving relationships
Improving health and wellbeing
Improving learning
Improving life choices
Improved daily living
What is included in your specific NDIS funding is individual to every single client and depends on what is reasonable and necessary to achieving your goals. If you need help understanding your specific budget please reach out to your Plan Manager.
How do I know how much money I have left in my NDIS funding?
The simplest way is to download Careview Advantage app. This app is for Android or iOS devices, which enables you to view your plan budget and balances at anytime. You also have the option to approve all of your invoices before they are lodged and paid.
Alternatively, we will send you updated monthly statements of summarised expenses and a breakdown of the budget totals remaining to help you keep track of your NDIS funding.
What does BBKM charge me?
If your NDIS funding already includes Plan Management “Improved Life Choices” then BBKM Plan Management's service is available to you free of charge.
If your plan does not include Plan Management, contact us for help on how to include plan management in your NDIS plan. Please note, this does not take away funding for other activities.
What is a BBKM Service Agreement and why do I need to sign it?
All participants that choose to be Plan Managed are required to sign a BBKM Service agreement. The service agreement allows BBKM to be able to be able to pay your service providers.
Your BBKM Service Agreement will be emailed or posted, to you upon:
Signing up as a client
When you get a new plan
​If you have a question that isn't answered here, please email us at info@bbkm.com.au and we will get back to you!​